Comparing Group Policies between Source and Destination

Comparing Group Policies between Source and Destination

A Group Policy Comparison utility lets you compare rule differences regarding the group policies between the source and destination machine.

The utility is available only for Windows Server 2003 or later.

After you successfully run Audit, a group policy report is generated for supported platforms in the installation directory. For example:


To Compare Group Policies

  1. In the Administrative Console, click the Tether tab and connect to the source machine as described in steps 1 through 6 in Migrating an Application Using the VirtaMove Administrative Console.

  2. Click Run Audit. Audit is executed and the result is displayed at the bottom of the Administrative Console window.

  3. Select Tools>Compare Group Policies. The Group Policy Comparison utility opens.

  4. Click one of the following radio buttons:

    1. Computer - compares the policies that apply to the machine.

    2. User - compares the policies of the users that are available on the machine. If a user account has signed in at least once, it will be available for comparison.
      If you are comparing users, you can change users by means of the combo box control under the text area. If you are comparing computer policies, you can view the path to the text files.

  5. If you want to see the output text files, click Open.

  6. To close the utility, click Close.

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