Migrating an IIS Server on a Web Farm
You must be logged in as the BUILTIN\Administrator or member of Local Administrators group on the destination machine.
Before you migrate an application, complete the requirements listed in https://virtamove.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDOC/pages/310706978.
The procedure in this example includes:
a domain controller with an SQL database (Windows Server 2008 R2)
a machine with Application Request Routing (ARR) and network load balancing (NLB) (Windows Server 2008 R2)
two IIS web servers (both Windows Server 2003)
The two IIS web servers are in a load balanced cluster. In this example, we migrate Red Critter Tracker, which is using the SQL database located on the domain controller. The destination is a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine.
To Migrate an IIS Web Server
On the destination machine, manually install the NLB feature. For information about how to install NLB, see http://www.iis.net/learn/extensions/configuring-application-request-routing-(arr)/achieving-high-availability-and-scalability-arr-and-nlb .
On the destination machine, double-click the Administrative Console desktop shortcut icon on your desktop or click Start>VirtaMove>Administrative Console. VirtaMove Administrative Console opens.
Set up tether credentials for one of the two IIS web servers and complete tether instructions in Migrating an IIS Application Using Administrative Console.
When required services have started, open html://localhost/redcrittertracker/ in the web browser.
On the NLB/ARR machine:
Open NLB.
Add the destination machine to the cluster.
Test the migration:
Take down both IIS web servers.
Open http://cluster/redcrittertracker on the domain controller.
You should be able to see the Red Critter Tracker web page.
Configuration Sharing
In the above example, if the website data is shared, it will also be shared on the migrated container. However, configuration sharing is not available in IIS 6.0. If you are using IIS 6.0, you must perform sharing manually as follows.
To Set Up Shared Configuration
In your web browser, go to the following address and follow the instructions: http://www.iis.net/learn/web-hosting/configuring-servers-in-the-windows-web-platform/shared-configuration_211