Modifying Config-on-the-Fly when Dissolving

Modifying Config-on-the-Fly when Dissolving

Dissolving a Container Without Using Config-on-the-Fly

You can opt to dissolve a container without using Config-on-the-Fly (COTF). This is useful when you create a container and dissolve it on a destination machine (Machine A), without compressing and moving the container to a second destination machine (Machine B). COTF is not required because it has already been applied in this case.

Use the /K option to run Dissolve without Config-on-the-Fly. For example:

virtadissolve c:\appliances\myContainer /K

Use pedit to change the CPROP_CONFIG_FILE property. For example:

virtapedit c:\appliances\MyContainer CPROP_CONFIG_FILE ""

Modifying Config-on-the-Fly

Let's say that you create a container, compress it into a .cap file, move the compressed file from one destination machine (Machine A) to a second destination machine (Machine B), and then dissolve the container. In this scenario, you will edit the $cotf0 argument using virtapedit.exe to change it from Machine A to Machine B.

Change the CPROP_CONFIG_FILE property as follows, for example:

virtapedit c:\appliances\myContainer CPROP_CONFIG_FILE "c:\appliances\myContainer\scripts\StandardCOTF.xml" "MachineB"


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