Setting Error Logging Types and Levels

Setting Error Logging Types and Levels

You can control the level of logging that you want VirtaMove to report when you create and manage your containers. You can control the logging settings in the Administrative Console using the Tools>Logging Options menu.

The logging level can be one of:

  • Off – specifies no logging

  • Errors Only – specifies errors only; this is the default value

  • Debug – specifies verbose output

To Set Error Logging Types and Levels

  1. Click Tools>Options. The Logging Options window opens.

  2. Select the logging level for each type:

    • Event Log

    • File

    • Console

    • Tether

    • COTF

  3. Click Save.

Setting Logging Types Using the LogProviders Key

You can specify any combination of logging types in the LogProviders key. The default value of Error is used if an entry in the LogLevels key is missing or not valid. Each item in the LogProviders key should have a corresponding entry in the LogLevels and LogDetails keys. Each entry is separated by a semicolon.

The LogDetails key only pertains to the File LogProvider. If the LogDetails value that corresponds to the File LogProvider is left blank or has a value of %applianceroot%, then the default file name for the log will be the value that is set in this key. However, if an error can be associated with a specific container, the log file will be saved in the container's root folder.

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