You specify the Config-on-the-fly file using the https://virtamove.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDOC/pages/314212651/virtapedit?search_id=06a26423-5b8b-4a2d-9822-6f08fe725f5a command-line utility to update the following property:
You can execute Config-on-the-fly on demand for an undocked container, using the Administrative Console or the command line utility https://virtamove.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDOC/pages/314245220/virtacotf?search_id=01186668-c4bb-4099-adca-a3bdf5da77fd. You can execute Config-on-the-fly without having to re-tether a container. This is useful, for example, if you want to re-host or re-configure a container for which Tether is already disabled.
If there is a NIC mismatch, the Administrative Console will display a message. You can map the IP addresses manually if you need to correct the mismatch.
You can view the COTF log https://virtamove.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDOC/pages/313917546/COTF+Log?search_id=6bdfeb95-c3cd-480c-91b4-e2d780d29136 using the Administrative Console or using C:\appliances\<ContainerName>\ctrack\log