

Table of Contents

Your container may contain configuration information from another system and this information may not be compatible with the current system. For example, you may need to change IP addresses or hostnames. You can use a Config-on-the-fly file (StandardCOTF.xml) to update the configuration information so that it works with the current system. You may need to update the settings in the configuration file with information from the current system.

You specify the Config-on-the-fly file using the virtapedit command-line utility to update the following property:


Container properties (for example, CPROP_SRC_NODENAME) can be used as arguments to the CPROP_CONFIG_FILE property.

StandardCOTF.xml is located as follows:


You can have multiple COTF files in the COTF folder. For example, one file could be for replacing IP addresses and another one for replacing hostnames. V-Migrate will load the combined COTF information from the files in the folder.

Config-on-the-fly Files and Paths

When you specify a path to a COTF file, note that VirtaMove supports paths that are relative to the container folder. That is, VirtaMove supports:


or the absolute full path:


Config-on-the-fly on Demand

You can execute Config-on-the-fly on demand for an undocked container, using the Administrative Console or the command line utility virtacotf. You can execute Config-on-the-fly without having to re-tether a container. This is useful, for example, if you want to re-host or re-configure a container for which Tether is already disabled.

You can also execute Config-on-the-fly on demand regardless of how a container was created; for instance, you can execute Config-on-the-fly on-demand after a compressed container file is moved to a new destination server or after you dissolve a container.

Mapping NICs between Source and Destination

You can use COTF to add or remove NICs to match the number of NICs on the source machine, using selected NICs as COTF parameters. For example, the source machine might have more NICs than the destination. The parameters are stored in the ipCOTF.xml file in the COTF folder for the selected appliance.

If there is a NIC mismatch, the Administrative Console will display a message. You can map the IP addresses manually if you need to correct the mismatch.


You can view the COTF Log using the Administrative Console or using C:\appliances\<ContainerName>\ctrack\log.

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