Activating Your VirtaMove License

Activating Your VirtaMove License

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About Activating Your VirtaMove License

Your VirtaMove activation code enables a specific number of source machines that you can migrate applications from. Each activation code also has an expiry date.

You will be prompted to enter your VirtaMove license information after you connect to a source machine and when you start the tether process. This will occur from:

  • The Tether tab on the VirtaMove Administrative Console when you click Pre-Populate or try to dock a container, and

  • The command line when you try to execute virtapace /M /T, virtamigrate, virtacreate /T, and virtadock for a container that has tether enabled 

If you require a new license, contact a VirtaMove Sales Representative.

You can activate your license in several ways:

Activation Logging

Logging messages related to activation codes are stored in the installation folder:


Updating the Activation Code

For information about updating your activation code, see Updating the VirtaMove Activation Code.

Activating Your VirtaMove License

Use this procedure if the machine has an Internet connection or if https://licensing.virtamove.com is a whitelisted web address. For offline activations, see https://virtamove.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDOC/pages/310542444/Performing+an+Offline+Activation?search_id=fde01554-2809-45c4-89d8-3eae291755ec.

  1. When prompted, in the Please Enter Your License Information window, enter your Activation Code.

  2. Click OK.

Performing a Command Line Activation

See virtalicense in the 05. CLI Guide.

Performing a VirtaMove Offline Activation

If the destination machine does not have access to the Internet, you can perform an offline activation. For information, see Performing an Offline Activation.

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