Migrating an Application Using the VirtaMove CLI
You must be logged in as the System Administrator on the destination machine.
Before you migrate an application, complete the requirements listed in https://virtamove.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDOC/pages/310706978.
Services will not be retrieved from the source machine if communication with the source machine is interrupted during the tethering process. This may occur for a number of reasons; for example, if the firewall on the source machine is enabled while tethering is in progress. If services are not retrieved, try any of the following: disable the firewall on the source machine; make sure that the Remote Registry service is enabled on the source machine; make sure that the user credentials you specify to connect to the source machine are correct; check the Tether log. Once you have identified the issue, connect to the source machine once again.
If you are using VirtaMove Source Agent, you must stop the Oracle main service and the Oracle VSS Writer Service before performing a migration.
To Start Remote Registry service on the Source Machine
Remote Registry Service must be started on the source machine to migrate an application.
Membership in the local Administrators group, or equivalent, on the source computer, is the minimum required to complete this procedure.
On the source machine, open a command prompt window.
sc start RemoteRegistry
To Migrate an Application Using the VirtaMove CLI
Store the activation code for the VirtaMove license. At the command prompt, enter the following:
virtalicense <activation_code>
Where <activation_code> is the activation code for the VirtaMove license.
Create a container. At the command prompt, enter the following:
virtacreate <container> /E
where <container> is the full name and path of the appliance. Spaces in the pathname are not permitted.
Enable Tether: enter the following at the command prompt:
virtapedit <container> CPROP_USE_TETHER Y
where <container> is the full name and path of the appliance. The container property is case-sensitive.
Specify information for connecting to the source machine: the source machine name, username, and password.
To enable Config-on-the-fly, enter Y. For information about how to create a Tether Config-on-the-fly file, see the CLI Guide.
Enter a Config-on-the-fly file. For example:
At the command prompt on the destination machine, enter the following to list services:
virtasvc <container> list
A list of environment variables and services for the source machine specified for this container is displayed.
Run the following command to copy a service from the source machine to the container on the destination machine:
virtasvc <container> add <service_name>
Run the following command:
virtasc <container> config <service_name> /U <Administrator> /P <password>
Note that you are setting a password only via the
argument; VirtaMove does not validate a password against the original password associated with the source machine.As appropriate, list user accounts on the source machine:
virtauser /L server username password
If you need to export user accounts to the container, enter the following:
virtauser /X server username password account [appliance]
If you select user accounts that do not correspond to a service, these accounts will be imported to the operating system of the destination machine with the default password
when you dock the container. VirtaMove recommends that you change the passwords of these accounts at the earliest opportunity. For information about changing the default password to a different password if required, see Default Password.If you performed steps 10 and 11, import user accounts to the destination machine:
virtauser /I bundlepath
is the full path to the account bundle you want to import.As appropriate, list group accounts on the source machine:
virtagroup /L server username password
If you need to export group accounts to the container, enter the following:
virtagroup /X server username password account [appliance]
If you performed steps 13 and 14, import group accounts to the destination machine as follows:
virtagroup /I bundlepath
is the full path to the account bundle you want to import.On the source machine, make sure that the services you added are stopped.
Dock the container:
virtadock <container>Start services:Start services:Start services:Start services:Start services:
Start services:
virtastart <container> <service_name>
Run and exercise the application.
When you are satisfied that you have exercised the main components of the application, stop the container services:
virtastop <container> <service_name>
Undock the container:
virtaundock <container>
Disable Tether by entering the following (the container property is case sensitive):
virtapedit <container> CPROP_USE_TETHER N
Regenerate the container template by entering: Y.
Test the container to make sure that the application is behaving as expected, services are starting, and so on. Run the virtadock, virtastart, and virtarun commands.
Run the virtaundock, virtastop commands.
Optionally, Dissolve the container:
virtadissolve <container>