Source Information

Source Information

Table of Contents

You can get the following source information for a container:

  • services installed on the source machine that a container requires to run properly

  • environment variables

  • user/group account information

Tether Credential Information

Configuration information is saved in a credential file:


The Tether credential file stores source machine information that you specify via VirtaMove application migration. The file includes the source machine name, user name, and encrypted password used to connect to the source machine. The Tether credential file is saved in the VirtaMove installation directory, for example:

C:\Program Files\VirtaMove\1ce8a1a5cffe4e0.tether

Default Password

The default user password is set by VirtaMove as 1password!

Source Services

You can list installed services on the source machine and copy services from this list to the destination machine before you dock a container. This is useful if a service on the source machine was missing in the container when the container was created.

When you get source services, a cremoteservices file is created in the container folder. This XML file contains a list of services from the source machine.

You can stop a service on the Source Services tab of the Administrative Console under the Tether tab.

Source Environment Variables

You can also get a list of source environment variables that are required by the application migration process. These environment variables will become part of the container and a cremotenv file will be created in the container folder.

For information about setting and deleting environment variables (user and system), see the virtaenvedit command-line utility.

User/Group Accounts

You can view user and group account information, such as SIDs and names, associated with a Windows user or group account. This is useful if this information is required by the application migration process.

You can select user or group accounts using the Source Accounts tab of the Administrative Console under the Tether tab or using the virtauser and virtagroup command-line utilities.

If you are using the VirtaMove command line, account information is exported to an "account bundle" directory on the desktop of the user currently logged in to the machine. If you are using the Administrative Console, account information is exported to a container’s cstore/accounts directory. The name of the directory is the SID of the user or group account. If this directory already exists, contents will be replaced by the newest operation.

If a user account corresponding to the login credentials of a selected service is bundled with a container, information from the account bundle associated with the service user as well as the user password will be imported automatically when the appliance is docked. If the user doesn’t currently exist on the underlying operating system, the user will be created using the password specified in the Source Services tab.

If you select user accounts that do not correspond to a service, these accounts will be imported to the operating system of the destination machine with the default password 1password! when you dock the container. VirtaMove recommends that you change the passwords of these accounts at the earliest opportunity.

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