

This command lists, exports, and imports information and settings associated with a Windows user account. For remote operation, use this command only if all requirements for Tether have been met.

If an appliance path is not specified, user account information will be exported to an "account bundle" directory on the desktop of the user currently logged into the machine. The name of the directory will be the SID of the exported user account. If a directory by this name already exists, the contents will be replaced with the results of the newest operation.

If you use virtauser to import an account but do not specify a password, the account will be imported with the default VirtaMove password 1password!. Additionally, if you add a user account to a container and the container does not specify the user account as the logon credentials of a virtualized service, the account will be imported automatically when you dock the appliance with the default VirtaMove password 1password!. VirtaMove recommends that you change the passwords of these accounts at the earliest opportunity. For information about changing the default password to a different password if required, see Default Password.

The directory contains the following files:

  • win32_useraccount.xml - a definition of the user and the user's LSA privileges

  • win32_group.xml - a definition of any groups the user belongs to and associated LSA privileges

  • reparsepoints.xml - a definition of reparse points found in the user’s profile directory

The export operation will not proceed if one of the XML files is missing.


The password of the user account will not be exported. You must manually set or reset the password during the import procedure.

For information about importing and exporting information associated with a Windows group account, see virtagroup.


virtauser /L [server | server username password]
virtauser /X [server | server username password] account [/A appliance]
virtauser /I [/F] [/P password] "bundlepath"





List all the user accounts currently on the system. Displays the SIDs and names of the users. If credentials are specified, the source machine is queried.


Export a user account to a bundle from the remote machine. If credentials are specified, the source machine is queried.


The Security Identifier (SID) or name of the account to export.


Used in conjunction with the appliance parameter.


The full path of the appliance or directory to export the bundle to. If a path is not specified, the bundle will be saved to the desktop.


Import an existing account bundle to the destination machine. If a user by the same name is found on the system, the operation will not proceed.


Force the import operation when a user is already present. Existing files may be overwritten. User account settings, such as the password, will be unchanged. Any additional permissions will be added to the user.


Set the password for the user account; if you use the /F flag, then the password is ignored. Specify the password before the bundle path in the argument list.


The full path of the bundle directory to import.

Example Usage

List Users on the Source Server

Export User 'Jonas' from the Source Server

Import the User Bundle for 'Jonas' to the Destination Server

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