This command imports and exports information and settings associated with a Windows group account. For remote operation, use this command only if all for Tether have been met.
The account information is exported to an "account bundle" directory on the desktop of the user currently logged in to the machine. The name of the directory is the SID of the group. If this directory already exists, it is replaced by the newest operation.
The directory contains the file win32_group.xml
, which is a definition of the group and the group Local Security Authority (LSA) privileges.
For information about importing and exporting information associated with a Windows user account, see virtauser.
virtagroup /L [server | server username password]
virtagroup /X [server | server username password] account [/A appliance]
virtagroup /I "bundlepath"
Option | Description |
/L | List all the group accounts currently on the destination machine. Displays the SIDs and names of the groups. If credentials are specified, the source machine is queried. |
/X | Export a group account to a bundle on the desktop from the source machine. If credentials are specified, the source machine is queried. |
account | The Security Identifier (SID) or the name of the account to export. |
/A | Used in conjunction with the |
appliance | The full path of the appliance or directory to export the bundle to. If a path is not specified, the bundle will be saved to the desktop. |
/I | Import an existing account bundle to the destination machine. The path must be an absolute path to the location of the bundled directory that contains previously exported group account files. |
bundle path | The full path of the bundle directory to import. |
Example Usage
Lists the groups on the source machine.
Exports the group from the source machine to the accounts folder within the specified appliance on the destination machine. Alternatively, you can specify any folder. If the appliance or folder is not specified, the virtagroup bundle will be created on the desktop.
virtagroup /X SERVER USERNAME PASSWORD IIS_WPG_SID [/A appliancefolder]
Imports the groups on the destination machine.
virtagroup /I C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\%IIS_WPG_SID%