

This command migrates IIS from the source computer to a container.

You can use this command to only synchronize roles and features between a source and a destination machine.

Administrator privileges are required.


virtamigrate </A|/P|/F|/C> [<credentials>] [VAA] [/Q]





Run all migrations. Requires credentials and container target.


Prepare staged migration for all migrations. Requires credentials and container target.


Run Feature Sync only. This performs a feature sync only; no IIS data is migrated. Requires credentials.


Copies the migration.config file to the Container\scripts directory. Requires a target container.

If you make any changes to the migration.config file, these changes will be implemented once virtamigrate /A is executed.


hostname username password

Only hostname is required if the VirtaMove Source Agent is in use.

/H hostname

The hostname or IP address of the source computer.

/U username

The user name of the Administrator account on the source computer.

/W password

The password of the Administrator account on the source computer.


The full path of the container.


Quiet mode.

Example Usage - Migrate All

virtamigrate /A credentials container

where credentials is the hostname username password

Example Usage - Feature Sync Only

This performs a feature sync only; no IIS data is migrated.

virtamigrate /F credentials

Example Usage - Copy migration.config File Only

This copies only the migration.config file to the container\scripts directory.

virtamigrate /C container

Example Usage - Staged Application Migration

You can use this command to perform a staged application migration (from a source machine to an intermediary machine and then to a final destination machine).

virtamigrate /P credentials container

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