This command checks whether the source and destination machines comply with application migration pre-requisites. Run this command before you migrate an application. Any issues are listed in the Audit Report.txt
file located in the appliance folder.
If the Audit Report lists a problem or problems that will impede application migration, see Understanding Audit for guidance about how to resolve specific issues identified in the report.
Administrator privileges are required.
virtaaudit <server username> <password | /P> [/V] [/O outputDirectory]
virtaaudit <server> [/V] [/O outputDirectory]
Option | Description |
server | The IP address or machine name of the source machine. |
username | The user name of the Administrator account on the source machine. |
password | The password of the Administrator account on the source machine. |
/O OutputDirectory | Write the Audit Report file to the specified directory. Optional. |
/V verbose | Write detailed error descriptions to the CLI. Optional. |
/P hidePassword | Hide the password for the user. Optional. |
Example Usage
Example 1
virtaaudit <server name> <username> <password>
Performing Audit, please wait...
All required checks passed.
To view full audit report file, open "C:\appliances\Audit Report - <IP Address>.txt"
Example 2 - /P Option
virtaaudit <server name> <username> /pEnter the user's password:
Performing Audit, please wait...
All required checks passed.
To view full audit report file, open "C:\appliances\Audit Report - <IP Address>.txt"
If there are errors:
virtaaudit <server name> <username> <password>
Performing Audit, please wait...
**** Errors: 1 ****:
Remote Access: Blocked
*Remote Access should be Enabled, please set "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\COM3\RemoteAccessEnabled" to 1.
Error detected, cannot migrate.
To view full audit report file, open "C:\appliances\Audit Report - <IP Address>.txt"
Example 3 - /V Option
The /V option will output errors and warnings to the CLI:
Performing Audit, please wait...
**** Warnings: 1 ****:
Remote Port 9665: Closed Warning
*Please check to ensure Source Agent is running. If Source Agent is running,
port 9665 must be open for Source Agent to function. Please see