Junctions in Windows 2008 R2
This topic describes how to use junctions with containers created on the Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 platform.
For backward compatibility to applications that use the hard-coded path \Documents and Settings
, you can use a junction to redirect \Documents and Settings
to \Users
instead of resolving the user settings location using environment variables or the registry entry.
For example:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Creating Containers
A container that is created in Windows 2008 R2 may have the folder \Users\<UserName>
and it may or may not have the Documents and Settings junction.
There are also junctions under \Users\<UserName>\
, which may be copied into the container during creation.
Docking Containers
When docking a container in Windows 2008 R2, if the \Documents and Settings
folder does not exist in the container, VirtaMove creates a junction to point to \Users
. For example:
C:\VirtaMove_dbg\Debug>dir c:\appliances\useradmin\cstore_C /a
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 90C5-95FE
Directory of C:\appliances\useradmin\cstore_C
04/06/2009 03:16 PM <DIR> .
04/06/2009 03:16 PM <DIR> ..
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <DIR> VirtaMove
04/06/2009 03:16 PM <JUNCTION> Documents and Settings [\??\c:\appliances\useradmin\cstore_C\Users]
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <DIR> Users
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Undocking Containers
When undocking a container in Windows 2008 R2, if the \Documents and Settings
junction exists in the container, it is removed. The junction is recreated the next time the container is docked. Note that if \Documents and Settings
is a regular folder, it will not be removed.
Moving Containers
Junctions that are created during container creation are relative to the container’s location. Therefore, a junction will become invalid if the container is moved to a different location. For example, if the C:\Appliances\useradmin
appliance is moved to D:\Appliances\useradmin
C:\Program Files\VirtaMove>dir
C:\appliances\useradmin\cstore_C\Users\Administrator /a
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 90C5-95FE
Directory of c:\appliances\useradmin\cstore_C\Users\Administrator
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <DIR> .
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <DIR> ..
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <DIR> AppData
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <JUNCTION> Application Data [\??\c:\appliances\useradmin\cstore_C\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming]
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <DIR> Contacts
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <JUNCTION> Cookies [\??\c:\appliances\useradmin\cstore_C\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies]
04/01/2009 10:40 AM <DIR> Desktop
4 File(s) 1,114,132 bytes
24 Dir(s) 24,302,391,296 bytes free