Migrating an IIS Web Site that Uses HTTPS (SSL)

Migrating an IIS Web Site that Uses HTTPS (SSL)

You must perform extra steps when migrating a website that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), because HTTPS must be configured to use a security certificate. Security certificates are created for a specific machine and are encrypted, and so VirtaMove cannot use the source server's security certificate on the destination server. You must therefore create a new certificate for the destination server and then register it with the bindings.

The following procedure explains how to create a self-signed certificate, which should be used for testing purposes only. You will need to create a new certificate by contacting a certificate licensing authority.

  1. Complete the pre-requisites listed in https://virtamove.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VDOC/pages/310706978 and perform steps 1 to 11 inclusive in Migrating an IIS Application Using Administrative Console.

  2. Double-click the VirtaMove CLI desktop shortcut to open a VirtaMove command prompt window.

  3. At the command prompt, type:

  4. In IIS Manager, click on the server in the left pane.

  5. In the middle pane, right-click Server Certificates, and select Create Self-Signed Certificate.

  6. Enter a name for the certificate.

  7. Expand the server, then expand Sites and click on your website.

  8. In the right pane, click Bindings.

  9. Double-click the binding for HTTPS.

  10. Select your new certificate at the bottom of the window.

  11. Test the website.

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