Administrator Privileges

Administrator Privileges

On Windows Server 2008 R2, as part of the User Account Control (UAC) functionality, users belonging to the Administrators group (other than the Default Administrator Account) are not assigned full administrative privileges when they log in. As a result, when members of the Administrators group run the Administrative Console or the VirtaMove CLI (command-line interface) tools, container operations may appear to have succeeded when in reality they have silently failed. For this reason, we require the use of the default Administrator user account for creating and managing containers on these platforms.

A remote user must be a built-in Administrator or a direct member of the Administrators Group; a Domain Administrator will not be accepted as an Administrator if the Domain Administrator is not included in Local Administrators.


There are two workarounds that you can use when logged in as a member of the Administrators group:

Workaround 1: Configure Administrative Console or the VirtaMove CLI tools to always run elevated

For example:

  1. Right-click the dock command, click Properties.

  2. Select the Compatibility tab.

  3. Under Privilege Level, select Run this program as an administrator, and then click OK.

  4. A UAC prompt displays when you run the dock command. Click Yes to allow the program to run. The dock command executes in a new CMD window that disappears once dock has returned. Any errors that occurred are listed in the VirtaMove error log files.

Workaround 2: Use the runas tool to run Administrative Console or the VirtaMove CLI tools as the default Administrator

Actions by Privileges

The following table lists the actions that are available to Administrator and non-Administrator users.




List containers

View container properties

Run a container


Dock a container


Undock a container


Start a container service


Stop a container service


Set or modify container properties


Compress a container


Uncompress a container


Set or modify namespaces



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