Dissolve Log

You can view a General or Detailed Dissolve Report in HTML. For information about the contents of the Dissolve Report, see Dissolve Report.

You can view the Dissolve Report in appliances\container_folder\ or you can view it using the Administrative Console.

To View the Dissolve Log Using the Administrative Console

  1.  In the Administrative Console, select the container that you dissolved, and then click the Appliance Logs tab.

  2. Click the Dissolve tab.

  3. Click one of the following buttons:

    • View General Dissolve Report - to view the general report, which lists a summary and only the components that were not dissolved in order to minimize the file size

    • View Detailed Dissolve Report - to view a detailed report, which lists a summary as well as the dissolved and undissolved components

The Dissolve Report opens in a browser.