Tether Logging

Tether Logging

You can enable or disable logging of Tether activities and set logging values for Tether using the Administrative Console. You can also set the tether log level using the key value "TetherLog" in the following registry key:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\VirtaMove Settings\Controller

Error or debugging messages are output to the Windows Event Viewer, in the category VirtaMove.

In addition, a tether.log file is located in the following folder:


During tethering, any files and registry keys that fail to be copied over will also be logged in failure.log. The failure.log file will be in the ContainerName\ctrack\activity folder; if you are running virtapace, it will be in the PACE\ContainerName folder.

To View the Tether Log Using the Administrative Console

  1.  In the Administrative Console, select the container for which you enabled Tether, and then click the Appliance Logs tab.

  2. Click the Tether tab. Tether log messages are displayed. You can scroll through the logs if you need to.

  3. To reload Tether logs, click the Reload button.

  4. To export messages to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, click the Export to CSV File button.


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