About Shared Folders

About Shared Folders

Table of Contents

To migrate shared folders, you must first select them on the source machine using the File Tree View tab.

Viewing, Selecting, and Unselecting Shared Folders

Once you've clicked the Scan Files button in the File Tree View tab, the directories and shared folders on the source machine are displayed in the left and right panes respectively.

Shared folders are listed by the Share name, as it appears on the source machine, followed by the Folder Path to the location of the directory on the source machine.

When you select a shared folder, the associated folder in the directory tree in the left pane is expanded and selected. If you unselect the shared folder, the corresponding folder is also unselected. Note that unselecting a shared folder may unselect a folder that you want to migrate; therefore, it's good practice to double-check all folders before continuing.

If multiple shared folders point to the same directory, unselecting only the last reference to that directory will unselect that directory.

If new shared folders were added to the destination machine after the Scan Files button was clicked, click Scan Files again to refresh the list of local shared folders in the File Tree View tab.

If a shared folder is user-created (or at least has security information that can be set), it can be migrated. This includes hidden shared folders.

Conflicts and Shared Folders

When you select a shared folder, it's possible that it may conflict with a shared folder on the destination machine. In this case, a warning message will appear in the status bar at the bottom of the Administrative Console.

Docking and Shared Folders

When you dock a container, all migrated shared folders that do not conflict with existing shared folders on the destination machine will be added. The shared folders will be set up pointing to the migrated folders in the appropriate cstore in the container location.

Dissolve and Shared Folders

During Dissolve, shared folders will be set up to their respective dissolved folder locations. A migrated shared folder will be set up during Dissolve only if the location of the associated directory is not being merged with an existing location.

If a folder exists at the dissolve location before dissolving, the shared folder will not be set up.


See Migrating Folders, Shared Folders, and Registries for information about how to migrate shared folders.


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