Discovering Your Source Inventory

Discovering Your Source Inventory

Click Discover>Inventory.

In the Inventory Summary window, V-Maestro displays a summary of discovered inventory across the network. You can view:

  • How many active sources were discovered in the network

  • How many applications were discovered, and which application is most installed

  • The distribution of OSs installed across the network, and more


The following table lists the elements in the Inventory Summary window.



Applications Discovered card

Displays the number of applications discovered.

Most Installed card

Displays the name of the most installed application, and the number of instances of the application.

Top Application by OS card

Displays the top applications installed and the OS running them.

Most Utilized card

Displays the most used application and the hostname of the source running it.

Most Connections card

Displays the name of the application with the most connections and number of connections.

Sources Discovered card

Displays the number of sources discovered.

Most CPU Utilization card

Displays the hostname of the source with the most CPU use, and the utilization in percentage.  

Most Applications card

Displays the hostname of the source with the most applications installed, and the number of applications.

Most Active Connections card

Displays the name of the application with the most active connections and number of connections.

OS Distribution card

Displays the number of discovered sources, and the OS distribution of these sources, in graphical format.


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