

This command lists COM+ components installed on both the source and destination machine, and exports COM+ components as .MSI files to:

  • the destination machine independent of a container, or

  • packaged in a container so you can deploy the container with COM+ components to a new destination

Administrator privileges are required.

For information about pre-requisites for using this command-line utility, see Migrating COM, COM+ and DCOM Components.


If only the source address is provided, the source machine must be running VirtaMove Source Agent.


VIRTACOMPLUS /L [server | server username password]
VIRTACOMPLUS /X [server |server username password] [/R] application [/A appliance]





The name of the application to export. Supply a regex (or "regular expression") when using /R.


Used in conjunction with the appliance parameter.


The full path of the appliance or directory to export the application to. If a path is not supplied, the application will be saved to the desktop.


List components found on the system.


Export a component.


Export all components matching a regex supplied in place of a single component name.


  • *

    • All applications

  • E.*^|J.*

    • All applications beginning with E or J.

Example 1: virtacomplus /L

To list COM+ components on the source machine:

virtacomplus /L Administrator 1password$ The following COM+ Applications were found: JonsDataProvider

Example 2: virtacomplus /X

To export a component to the destination machine:

virtacomplus /X Administrator 1password$ /R JonsDataProvider /A c:\appliances\TestCOM Exporting: JonsDataProvider.msi

A .MSI file is exported to the desktop of the destination machine. Manually execute the .MSI file to install the application.

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