This command manages VirtaMove Source Monitor. Administrator privileges are required.
You can use this command to only synchronize roles and features between a source and a destination machine.
virtamonitor /host hostname [/conf config-file] <more options>
virtamonitor /host hostname [/db db-file] <more options>
virtamonitor /create-rsm
Option | Description |
/host hostname | Specifies the machine where the operation should take place. |
/conf config-file | Optional. Specifies the path to the config file on the specified machine. If this option is not provided, the default config file will be used, which is located at |
/db db-file | Optional. Specifies the path to the Source Monitor database file on the machine "hostname". If this option is not provided, the Source Monitor database file will be used, which is |
/create-rsm | Create the Source Monitor runtime shared memory. |
Options used with /conf |
/add-serve service-name | Add a service name to the specified Source Monitor config file. |
/add-filter filter-desc | Add a filter to the specified Source Monitor config file. |
/remove-service service-name | Remove a service name from the specified Source Monitor config file. |
/remove-filter filter-desc | Remove a filter from the Source Monitor config file. |
/display-conf | Display the Source Monitor config file. |
/add-serve service-name | Add a service name to the Source Monitor config file. |
/add-filter filter-desc | Add a filter to the Source Monitor config file. |
/import-tmpl template-file | Import services from a container template file to the specified config file. |
/enable | Enable Source Monitor on the source machine with the specified config file. |
/disable | Disable the Source Monitor. |
/status | Show the status of the Source Monitor, for example whether the Source Monitor is enabled and which applications are being monitored. |
/export-db | Export paths from the database into an export file on the local machine. The export file will be populated with all the tracked paths, line by line in plain text. |
/display-conf | Display the specified config file. |
Options used with /db |
/export-paths export-file | Export paths from the specified database file into |
/update-tmpl tmpl-file | Update a PACE template file with paths in the specified database file. |
/get-summary summary-file[.xml] | Get the Source Monitor summary into |
Usage Examples
To display the Source Monitor Config File on the machine "hostname" on which Source Monitor is running:
virtamonitor.exe /host /conf "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\MonitorConfig.xml" /display-conf
To add a service to the Source Monitor config file:
virtamonitor.exe /host /conf "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\MonitorConfig.xml" /add-service sqlwriter
To enable the Source Monitor with a specific config file:
virtamonitor.exe /host /conf "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\MonitorConfig.xml" /enable
To specify the path to the Source Monitor database file on the machine where Source Monitor is running and export paths from the database into a specific export file:
C:\Program Files\VirtaMove>virtamonitor.exe /host /db "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\monitor.db" /export-db C:\Monitor\Test1