

This command manages VirtaMove Source Monitor. Administrator privileges are required.

You can use this command to only synchronize roles and features between a source and a destination machine.


virtamonitor /host hostname [/conf config-file] <more options>
virtamonitor /host hostname [/db db-file] <more options>
virtamonitor /create-rsm




/host hostname

Specifies the machine where the operation should take place.

/conf config-file

Optional. Specifies the path to the config file on the specified machine. If this option is not provided, the default config file will be used, which is located at <VirtaMove Install Path>\Monitor\MonitorConfig.xml.

/db db-file

Optional. Specifies the path to the Source Monitor database file on the machine "hostname". If this option is not provided, the Source Monitor database file will be used, which is <VirtaMove Install Path>\Monitor\Monitor.db.


Create the Source Monitor runtime shared memory.

Options used with /conf


/add-serve service-name

Add a service name to the specified Source Monitor config file.

/add-filter filter-desc

Add a filter to the specified Source Monitor config file. filter-desc is the filter descriptor which specifies which source machine to monitor. It is a comma-delimited string in the form of "ExecPath,<Is|BeginsWith|Contains>,<Value>".

/remove-service service-name

Remove a service name from the specified Source Monitor config file.

/remove-filter filter-desc

Remove a filter from the Source Monitor config file.


Display the Source Monitor config file.

/add-serve service-name

Add a service name to the Source Monitor config file.

/add-filter filter-desc

Add a filter to the Source Monitor config file.

/import-tmpl template-file

Import services from a container template file to the specified config file.


Enable Source Monitor on the source machine with the specified config file.


Disable the Source Monitor.


Show the status of the Source Monitor, for example whether the Source Monitor is enabled and which applications are being monitored.


Export paths from the database into an export file on the local machine. The export file will be populated with all the tracked paths, line by line in plain text.


Display the specified config file.

Options used with /db


/export-paths export-file

Export paths from the specified database file into export-file.

/update-tmpl tmpl-file

Update a PACE template file with paths in the specified database file.

/get-summary summary-file[.xml]

Get the Source Monitor summary into summary-file based on the specified database file. Summary information lists which processes have been monitored so far, how many paths were discovered by the Source Monitor at different times, and so on.

Usage Examples

To display the Source Monitor Config File on the machine "hostname" on which Source Monitor is running:

virtamonitor.exe /host /conf "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\MonitorConfig.xml" /display-conf

To add a service to the Source Monitor config file:

virtamonitor.exe /host /conf "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\MonitorConfig.xml" /add-service sqlwriter

To enable the Source Monitor with a specific config file:

virtamonitor.exe /host /conf "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\MonitorConfig.xml" /enable

To specify the path to the Source Monitor database file on the machine where Source Monitor is running and export paths from the database into a specific export file:

C:\Program Files\VirtaMove>virtamonitor.exe /host /db "C:\Program Files\VirtaMove Source Agent\Monitor\monitor.db" /export-db C:\Monitor\Test1


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