

This command starts the VirtaMove Services Controller. Administrator privileges are required.


virtasc <Appliance> [command] [service name] <config option 1>
virtasc Appliance remove <ServiceName>
virtasc Appliance depends <ServiceName> [/A]
virtasc Appliance query <ServiceName> [/A]





The full path of the container.



  • config

Configure a service.

  •  list

List services.

  • remove

Remove the service definition from the container.

  • depends

Lists all system services and components that the service depends on. Use /A to list all dependencies for all services in the container.

  • query

Lists the status of the service in the system. Use /A to query the status of all services in the system.

Service name Options (only for query and depends):


  • serviceName

Specify a single container service.

  • /A

Specify all services.

Configuration Options:


  • /S [Startup type]

Change the startup type to Automatic, Manual, or Disabled.

  • /U [username]

The username to use if the container includes a service whose log on account is a domain user account.

  • /P [password]

Identifies the password to use if the container includes a service whose log on account is a domain user account.

The password cannot be blank. You can set the password to blank in the Administrative Console Services tab.


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