Viewing Source Details
To View Source Details
Click Manage>Sources. The Sources Inventory window is displayed.
Select a source in the list by clicking the Host Source Name link or by clicking more actions>View Details for the selected source. The Source Details window is displayed.
The Last Seen field at the top of the details window indicates the last time V-Maestro was aware of the source.
You can perform the following actions on a selected source:
Print the details listed on this window
Re-authenticate the Source
Reinstall the Source Agent installed on the source
RDP to the source
The following table lists the elements in the Source Details window.
Item | Description |
System Information card | Displays information about the system of the source:
Storage Profile card | Displays the number of system disks and storage disks, and the amount of free disk space. Click the toggle icon in the top right of the panel to change the view. |
Migration Status card | Displays the number of applications being monitored and in the process of migration. |
Most CPU Utilization card | Displays the application on the source using the most CPU, in percentage. |
Most Active Connections card | Displays the application on the source with the most active connections, and how many active connections. |
Filter | Lets you filter the list of sources by OS, assigned group, or IP/hostname. |
Click the more actions icon to perform more actions on a selected source. From top to bottom:
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These icons let you perform tasks for the source. From left to right:
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These icons let you monitor a selected application in the application view. The migrate icon lets you migrate an application or user/group if it is ready to be moved. |