Using the Application Usage view

Using the Application Usage view

The Application Usage view of the Source Details window displays a list of the applications that are running on the source, and details about each application.

To View Application Usage Information on a Source

  1. Click Manage>Sources. The Source Inventory windows displays.

  2. Select an active source. The Source Details window displays.

  3. Click the Application Usage icon in the Source Details window.

The following table describes the information listed on the Application Usage view of the Source Details window.





The name of the application.

Install Date

The date that the application was installed on the source.

Estimated size

The estimated size of the installed application.


The CPU utilization of the application, in percentage.


The memory used by the application.


The disk use of the application.


The network use of the application.


The status of the application. Can be Discovered or Monitoring.

Opens a menu of actions that you can perform on the application.

Adding a Custom Application to a Source

V-Maestro displays the applications installed on the source machine from add/remove programs information. Some applications are installed on the source machine without recording an add/remove entry on the source machine. These are custom applications that are installed manually, usually via a script. V-Maestro can monitor custom applications if you indicate where the application is located.


  1. In the Application Usage view of the Source Details window, click the Add Custom button.

  2. In the Application Name field, enter the name of the application you want to add.

  3. In the Application Path field, enter the path of the application and then click Add.

  4. To add services associated with the application, enable a service in the Services area.

  5. Click Save. The application displays in the Application Usage view.

Viewing Application Components

  1. In the Application Usage view of the Source Details window, click the icon to the left of the application name. Component details are displayed for the selected application. There is information about the number of paths discovered and any associated services, as well as the user who started the application.

  2. Click the icon to the left of the application name to hide the component details.

Viewing Resource Usage per Application or per Source

  1. To view resource usage for an application, in the Application Usage view of the Source Details window, click Application Actions>Graph for an application. S

  2. Select 1 Day or 7 Days to view 1 day resource usage data or 7 days. Graphs are displayed in the table, showing CPU, Memory, Disk, Network usage for the application.

  3. To view resource usage for the source, click the resource icon in the System Information card at the top of the window. Resource graphs are displayed for the source.

  4. You can hover over points on the graph and a legend will display on the top right of the graph showing the exact number. You can also use the sliders under each graph to zoom in/out for more detail.

  5. Click Cancel to close the graph window.