Viewing Your Source Inventory

Click Manage>Sources.

In the Source Inventory window, V-Maestro displays all the source machines discovered across the network and the ones to which it has successfully connected. A green dot indicates that the connection is active.

You can view:

  • How many sources there are in the network and their connection status

  • Whether destination machines have been assigned or mapped to connected sources

  • View the status of discovered sources (whether they are discovered or being monitored)

  • Any Audit issues associated with sources

  • Whether any migrations are complete or associated with sources

You can filter or hide listed sources, delete sources, assign groups to sources, add new sources, and assign destinations to specific sources from the Source Inventory window. You can also view and export reports.


The following table lists the elements in the Source Inventory window.



Active card

Displays the number of active (connected) sources.

No Assigned Destinations card

Displays the number of destination machines that have been assigned or mapped to active sources.

Audit Failed card

Displays the number of active sources that have Audit issues.

Migrations card

Displays the number of migrations completed.


Lets you filter the list of sources by OS, assigned group, or IP/hostname.

Source Hostname

Displays the Hostname of the source machine. A green dot indicates that the source machine is successfully connected. A red or amber dot indicates that V-Maestro discovered the source but can't connect to it.

IP Address

The IP address of the source.

Source OS

The OS of the source.

Destination Hostname

The hostname of the destination assigned to a source, if any are assigned at this time. You can click Assign in this column to assign one.

Destination IP Address

The IP address of the destination assigned to a source, if one is assigned at this time.


The status of discovered sources: can be Discovered or Monitored.

Click the more actions icon to perform more actions on a selected source.

From top to bottom:

  • View details of a selected source.

  • Re-authenticate a selected source.

  • Reinstall the Source Agent on a selected source.

  • RDP to a selected source.

From left to right:

  • View applications installed on a selected source.

  • Assign a group to a selected source.

  • Hide a selected source from the view.

  • Delete a selected source.


You can perform the following actions for selected sources:

  • Add a source

  • View details about the source

  • Re-authenticate or reinstall the Source Agent

  • RDP into the source